If you currently have a stop payment on your account for a check or ACH transaction, it will remain in effect as your accounts convert to U.S. Bank for the duration stated:
- Expiration date is before May 30, 2025 – stop payment date will remain the same.
- Expiration date is after May 30, 2025 – stop payment will expire on May 30, 2025.
- No expiration date – stop payment will expire on May 30, 2024.
To cancel a stop payment, you can log into your account via the U.S. Bank Mobile App or online banking, at your local U.S. Bank branch, or by calling 24-hour banking at 800-USBANKS (872-2657).
If you have a stop payment on your Union Bank Debit Card, it will not be transferred to U.S. Bank. After receiving your new U.S. Bank Debit Card, please contact U.S. Bank to re-establish any stop payments that were set up with your Union Bank Debit Card.